119th. was organized at
Philadelphia August 15, 1862. Moved to Washington, D.C., August 31-September 1.
Duty in the Defenses of Washington until October. Joined Army of the Potomac
in the field and attached to 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th Army Corps, Army of
the Potomac, to February, 1863. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Army Corps, Army of
the Potomac, and Army of the Shenandoah to June, 1865.
Recruiting commenced on the 5th of August, and on the 31st, before the organization
had been perfected, it was ordered to Washington. It proceeded thither on the
following day, eight hundred strong, and was assigned temporarily to duty at the
Arsenal. It was here joined by a company of one hundred and thirty men, recruited
by Captain John B. Adams, and the organization was completed with the following
field officers: Peter C. Ellmaker, Colonel; Gideon Clark, Lieutenant Colonel;
Charles C. Knight, Major. On the 19th of September, two days after the battle
of Antietam, it was ordered to ifatigue duty on the northern defences of the
Capital, and was employed in the construction of forts Mansfield and Reno. A
month later it joined the Army of the Potomac, still in camp in the neighborhood
of the Antietam battle-field, and was assigned to the First Brigade, *
Second Division, Sixth Corps. Though suddenly thrown among veterans of two
campaigns, it was prepared, by its thorough training, to hold its place with credit.
I would like for you to meet Larry B. Maier who is the author of "ROUGH & REGULAR"
"A History of Philadelphia's 119th Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry,"
"The Gray Reserves."
He has written two other titles.
"Leather & Steel: The 12th Pennsylvania Cavalry in the Civil War"
"Gateway to Gettysburg: The Second Battle of Winchester"
The flag image is from the Pennsylvania's Civil War Flags web site.
To find and view Pennsylvania flags just CLICK HERE
Image courtesy of the Capitol Preservation Committee
ONE IHUNDRED AND NINETEENTH REGIMENT. The close of July, 1862, Peter C. Ellmaker,
of Philadelphia, who had organized in the Spring of 1861, a regiment for home duty,
known as the Gray Reserves, and which he commanded, received authority from Governor
Curtin to raise a regiment for three years' service.
Battles in which the 119th. Took
Cedar Creek Fair Oaks
Virtual Tour
Gettysburg Monuments
The 119th was involved in every major campaign fought by the Army of the Potomac, from Fredericksburg to Appomattox, as well as serving with the famed Phil Sheridan in the Shenandoah Campaign of 1864.